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ChatGPT reviews Doctor Who - The terror of The Autons

"Doctor Who: The Terrors of the Autons" is a four-part serial

from the Jon Pertwee era, originally broadcast in 1971.

Here's a review primarily based on the script provided on

Episode 1: The Doctor, now exiled to Earth, encounters the Master

for the first time since his exile. The Autons, plastic dummies

animated by the Nestene Consciousness, are introduced as a deadly

threat. The episode effectively sets up the premise and reintroduces

the main characters, including the Doctor's new companion, Jo Grant.

The tension builds as the Autons begin their attacks. Rating: 8/10

Episode 2: The Doctor and UNIT investigate the Autons' activities,

uncovering the Master's involvement. The action sequences are engaging,

and the stakes feel higher as the Doctor realizes the full extent

of the threat. Rating: 8/10

Episode 3: The Master's plan begins to unfold as he uses the Autons

to sow chaos and destruction. The Doctor races against time to stop him,

leading to some thrilling confrontations. The character dynamics

are well-handled, and the suspense continues to build. Rating: 8/10

Episode 4: The climax of the story sees the Doctor facing off

against the Master and the Autons in a final showdown. The resolution

is satisfying, though some may find it slightly rushed. The episode

sets up future conflicts between the Doctor and the Master,

hinting at the rivalry to come. Rating: 7/10

Overall, "The Terrors of the Autons" is a solid Doctor Who

serial that reintroduces the Master and the Autons as formidable

adversaries. Jon Pertwee delivers a charismatic performance

as the Doctor, and the dynamic between him and Jo Grant

adds depth to the narrative. While some episodes suffer

from pacing issues, the overall experience is enjoyable

and sets the stage for future adventures. Overall Rating: 7.75/10


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